• А.М. Makarov National Youth Aerospace Education Center
  • +38(056) 713-57-56 /
29 May, 2023 News

Festival of young amateurs of astronomy "Treasures of the starry sky"

On May 26, 2023, the Festival of Young Astronomy Amateurs "Treasures of the starry sky" took place within the framework of the complex thematic project "Space Brotherhood".

Students of grades 6-11 of out-of-school institutions and institutions of general secondary education, applicants for I-II courses of vocational (vocational) education and professional higher education were invited to participate in the Festival.

The meeting at the Festival was interesting and informative, the reports were informative and creative.



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Aerospace education is a systematic form of education and upbringing of children and young people in order to transfer to them knowledge about aviation and cosmonautics, training of specialists for the aerospace industry, informing the population about the results of space activities in Ukraine.

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