• А.М. Makarov National Youth Aerospace Education Center
  • +38(056) 713-57-56 /
15 April, 2024 News


On April 19, 2024, as part of the XXVI International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference «Human and Space», the round table "Vasyl Serhiyovych Budnyk is one of the founders of practical rocketry in Ukraine. Creative heritage of Budniki". 70 years since the founding of DB "Yuzhnoye".

The event will take place in face-to-face format and online conference mode ("Google-meet"). Start at 11.00.

Link to connect https://meet.google.com/mcy-ennq-kyh

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Aerospace education is a systematic form of education and upbringing of children and young people in order to transfer to them knowledge about aviation and cosmonautics, training of specialists for the aerospace industry, informing the population about the results of space activities in Ukraine.

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