• А.М. Makarov National Youth Aerospace Education Center
  • +38(056) 713-57-56 /
29 February, 2024 News

All-Ukrainian Children's Drawing Competition "Step to the Stars"

National Center for Aerospace Education of Youth named after OHM. Makarova (NCAOM) announces the acceptance of works for the All-Ukrainian children's drawing competition "Step to the Stars", which is held annually before the World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics.

Theme of the competition: "Space Ukraine".

April 2024 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the State Enterprise "Southern Design Bureau named after M.K. Yangel" - one of the leading enterprises in the development of rocket and space technology in Ukraine. The organizers of the event decided to dedicate the competition to this significant date.

Applications for participation and competitive works are submitted to the organizing committee by April 8, 2024. at the address: National Center of Aerospace Education of Youth named after OHM. Makarova, Gagarina Avenue 26, aud. 32 or by mail: National Center of Aerospace Education of Youth named after OHM. Makarova Ave. Nauki (Gagarin Ave.), 26, a/s 503, Dnipro 49005, Ukraine.

See more about the Competition and requirements for works here

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Aerospace education is a systematic form of education and upbringing of children and young people in order to transfer to them knowledge about aviation and cosmonautics, training of specialists for the aerospace industry, informing the population about the results of space activities in Ukraine.

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