• А.М. Makarov National Youth Aerospace Education Center
  • +38(056) 713-57-56 /
14 April, 2023 News

World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day

As part of the World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics (International Day of Human Space Flight) and the Day of Rocket and Space Industry Workers of Ukraine, online lectures and excursions to the NYAEC named after O.М. Makarov training and exhibition complex were held for applicants for education and guests of the city.

On April 11, employees and students of NYAEC named after O.М. Makarov joined the online meeting "Space - Space of Opportunities", organized by the Educational and Scientific Complex "Institute of Applied System Analysis" and the Educational and Scientific Institute of Aerospace Technologies of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute with the support of the international educational and scientific project «EuroSpaceHub».

At the meeting, Yaroslav Pustovoy, security director of Maritime Launch Services, stand-in for the first Ukrainian astronaut Leonid Kadenyuk, and Nadezhda Adamchuk-Chala, space ecologist, Doctor of Biology, researcher at the Department of Crop Production at McGill University (Montreal, Canada), researcher at the department Radiation Ecology and Remote Sensing of Landscapes of the Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Our achievement

Aerospace education is a systematic form of education and upbringing of children and young people in order to transfer to them knowledge about aviation and cosmonautics, training of specialists for the aerospace industry, informing the population about the results of space activities in Ukraine.

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