• А.М. Makarov National Youth Aerospace Education Center
  • +38(056) 713-57-56 /
18 November, 2023 News

New Space - New Opportunities for Youth

On the occasion of the anniversary of the flight into space of the first cosmonaut of Ukraine, Leonid KADENYUK, a series of events is being held on the theme: The new space era is new opportunities for young people.

Zoom conference connection https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88113038682?pwd=eDZaTFVvQ01vZUpURnMwci9WZ2ZMdz09

Conference ID: 881 1303 8682

Access code: 5Lei7K

Action plan

  1. Introductory meeting. November 19, 2023 at 15:00-16:00. From the history of Leonid Kadenyuka's flight into space on the American space shuttle "Columbia" mission "STS-87". The reasons for the current boom in the global space industry, its differences from the space race of the last century (Yaroslav Pustovy).
  2. Meetings (on Thursdays in November - December, topics will be clarified after the introductory meeting).

Our achievement

Aerospace education is a systematic form of education and upbringing of children and young people in order to transfer to them knowledge about aviation and cosmonautics, training of specialists for the aerospace industry, informing the population about the results of space activities in Ukraine.

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