18 November, 2023
New Space - New Opportunities for Youth
On the occasion of the anniversary of the flight into space of the first cosmonaut of Ukraine, Leonid KADENYUK, a series of events is being held on the theme: The new space era is new opportunities for young people.
Zoom conference connection https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88113038682?pwd=eDZaTFVvQ01vZUpURnMwci9WZ2ZMdz09
Conference ID: 881 1303 8682
Access code: 5Lei7K
Action plan
- Introductory meeting. November 19, 2023 at 15:00-16:00. From the history of Leonid Kadenyuka's flight into space on the American space shuttle "Columbia" mission "STS-87". The reasons for the current boom in the global space industry, its differences from the space race of the last century (Yaroslav Pustovy).
- Meetings (on Thursdays in November - December, topics will be clarified after the introductory meeting).